First Things First

 I began driving for a big meal delivery and grocery service over the last week or so. End of September I think.  After a terrifically  shitty September which left me scrambling emotionally and financially. It was easy to sign up for. Offered weekly pay and hell why not …. I like to drive and can make my own hours etc etc 

My job physically ends on Oct 18 So the first Saturday I wanted to “practice”. See what was up and go from there.  It also was a way to manage the panic I was having about all the things. 

The first order came from the grocery delivery service.  The service  sends you an order, the number of items the store, and then where to deliver. 

I hate stores. I am terrible at picking up things as I wander from place to place. My mom used to send me Family circus cartoons for fun because I was that kid.  

But off  I went. Target.  Everyone loves target. Thankfully it wasn’t busy and I could maneuver and certainly used my big girl voice  to ask where things were.  The stock guy laughed as I came back the third time! I said “to be fair …. You are the only person I can find !l. He laughed at that.

Upon checking out I found no line … thankfully…. I explained what I was up to to the check out lady 

“I’m doing it his delivery thing and I have no idea how to do this. I have an electrictronic card that I hope works !”

She had never done this before either … so we learned together ….  And we made it !! Honestly, we gave  each other a big five in victory.

I went to the car proud as I could be and realized the shopper  wanted a refund … Learning once again that I had no damn clue … I managed to easily figure that one out. And

Well lookie  …. Completed the order to head to the shoppers destination.

Here’s where it’s interesting… I am a people person …love them. Always have. My “real” job is a Chaplain in healthcare and it’s a great joy. Sad. Wacky and mostly pretty enjoyable.  

But here’s the point 

Everyone has a story. I hear those everyday. 
As I drove to this shoppers destination … I assume their home …. I thought about the items in the cart. Personal items.  Some super personal that I thought might have to do with some care taking in the home.  Food.  Prepackaged and easily cooked.  I am not a cook but I am aware that convenience is key sometimes. But there was no fresh food in the order. 

Which leads me to wonder about socio economic questions and time. IF this person is a caregiver, time is of essence. IF this person is managing all sorts of things at one time, time and efficiency is of the essence. 

I arrived at the destination. A very modest home on a decent sized plot of land. Two cars under a carport. Unkempt hedges.  And an old loveseat on the porch.  

I left the items at the door and checked the “delivered” box on my app and drove away. On to the next task 

I am really curious about who lived there.  What were their life circumstances. And did I help them by doing this?

I think it did.  Covid reduced us all to individual cells that seemingly function alone. I wonder how Covid affected this household. Granted Insta cart is convenient and o often think of it as a luxury for sure. It’s expensive I would think but also convenient. Maybe for this person that’s what it was … convenient for what they needed. 

They were able to ask for something and I was able to deliver it.  And maybe that just what we all need sometimes.

I don’t know their story . To most it won’t matter. 

But that Target bag maybe did.  

Besides it gave me something to do.
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